Friday, August 30, 2013

I just learned of the death of Linda Cantara (Abbott), whom you may recall from the earliest days (2004) of the Greater Cleveland History Digital Library Consortium. It was her idea to apply for a grant to implement an OAI (Open Archives Initiative) metadata harvesting of our respective on-line local history collections and construction of a single point of access for them all. While we didn't get that grant, her idea lives on in the Ohio's Heritage Northeast project, a subset of her idea later enabled by OCLC's Multi-Site Server program for those of us running CONTENTdm. That's not wholly satisfactory -- ironically it omits Linda's employer at the time, CWRU, who doesn't use CONTENTdm -- and we're looking to see if the idea could be resurrected with a more inclusive OAI. Here's the information on Linda's passing. Her services are tomorrow (8/31/13) in Lexington, KY.


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